martedì 19 luglio 2022

The Capuchin Missionary:


 A Vocation Within a Vocation


            Saint Francis of Assisi understood from the beginnings of our Order that some friars would be feel that God had called them with the desire to go to the missions. Our Rule of Life says: "Let those brothers who wish by divine inspiration to go among the Saracens or other non-believers ask permission to go from their Provincial Ministers.”

            The missionary vocation is, therefore, a call within the call. Not all friars feel it, but some, in addition to being Capuchins, are called to spend their lives, their strengths and their gifts among other peoples, taking on new cultures, learning different languages, and collaborating in the expansion of the Kingdom of God with our charism where there is the greatest need. And God can stir up this "divine inspiration" in any friar, even one from a small circumscription or a mission.

            For Francis of Assisi, this vocation must be carried out if it is authentic. The minister must verify if this brother is suitable for the mission, that is, if he is really fit to be a missionary. And even if in his circumscription there are few friars and the particular brother would be very useful in some service, the superior must send him confidently, because it is God who has chosen him, and God knows the needs of each province or custody.

            It is very important to verify the real suitability for being a Capuchin missionary, that is, one who is vibrant in our charism: who loves fraternal life and is able to work in as a part of a team; who likes to live in minority with unappropriated sobriety and simplicity; who is prayerful and contemplative and understands the need for meditation in our life; and who has great generosity for the apostolate. The first Capuchin Constitutions said: "the superiors ought not…be sad because of the departure of good friars."

            So, my brother, if when you speak of mission your heart beats stronger, if you are interested in knowing more about other cultures, if you feel that you can learn a new language and that it would not be difficult for you to adapt in another country, it could be that God is calling you to be a missionary. Pray and reflect on this. Look into and research the missions. Do a short-term missionary experience. This will help you.

            There are so many missionary needs in our Capuchin Order: new requests for missionary activity, fragile presences in young churches, presences in the midst of Islamic communities that need to be strengthened, the International Fraternities of San Lorenzo.... Is God not calling you to leave your country and to go out?

            Contact us...

visit our blog: Evangelizatio et missio - ofmcap. We can help you in your discernment, offer some materials and guide you to a particular short-term missionary experience...

I am br Mariosvaldo Florentino, General Secretary for Evangelization, Missionary Enthusiasm and Cooperation.

Pax et bonum.

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