martedì 28 giugno 2022

Capuchin Bothers in the Amazon

 San Lorenzo de Brindis Fraternities 


            On February 2, 2022, two international fraternities of San Lorenzo were inaugurated on the triple border between Brazil-Colombia-Peru, the result of an agreement between the three circumscriptions that are in this territory and also the collaboration of other circumscriptions that have made brothers available. One of the fraternities is located in Leticia, Colombia and has 5 brothers (brothers Félix from Colombia; Lázaro from Ceará, Brazil; Adán from Northern Mexico; David from Peru; and Kellycio from Mato Grosso, Brazil). The other fraternity is located in Benjamin Constant, Brazil and also has 5 brothers (brothers Aceme from Amazonas, Brazil;  Héctor from Peru; brother Celso from Amazonas, Brazil; Manuel from Colombia; and Marcos Venicius also from Amazonas, Brazil). One fraternity is a 20-minute boat ride from the other.

            As fraternities of San Lorenzo they are called to live our charismatic Capuchin values first and foremost as indicated in the Constitutions. First of all, there is the fraternity, which is our first apostolate. Even though they are from such different countries and cultures, they must develop among themselves that esteem and mutual service that Francis wanted for all his followers. The joyful sharing of everyday life and mutual esteem must be visible in them. The minority among them and in pastoral care should also characterize them. Gladly taking on simple jobs, making themselves "submissive to every human creature," they must show that they are there to serve and not to be served. Their life of prayer must also be intense. They ordinarily pray in fraternity the entire Liturgy of the Hours, make the fraternal Eucharist the culmination of each day and dedicate at least one hour of the day to meditation or mental prayer, thus giving God the priority that gives meaning to everything else.

            It is from these Capuchin characteristics that they want to be missionaries in the Amazon. They have an intense pastoral activity, but without neglecting our way of being: fraternal, minor and contemplative. This is how they serve communities, in parishes and beyond. As brothers of the people, they carry out missionary experiences in fraternity in the indigenous and riverside communities, bringing the joy of the Gospel where life cries out for it. They want to serve the simplest people and are open to learning their customs, languages and culture. They are discovering that the missionary is the first one to be evangelized, since the seeds of the Word are already everywhere.

            It is there that these two fraternities also want to offer all the brothers of the Americas, especially the post-novices, the possibility of having a beautiful missionary experience, with some theoretical formation and also practical experiences. This will help to awaken even more in all of us a taste for the mission from our Capuchin charism.

            “My dear Amazonia” calls you.  Answer “Here am I”. My brother: share, support and enjoy this experience.

What is the mission? II

  1.The Foundations of the Capuchin Mission Br Antonius Alberto (Ethiopia)  The founding principles of our mission can be briefly describe...