mercoledì 13 ottobre 2021

The Capuchins - a missionary order

 The Capuchins and the mission

From the very beginning, St. Francis of Assisi wanted his Order to be missionary. He was the first founder to write in his rule about those brothers who, by divine inspiration, would go beyond the frontiers of Christianity, and gave instructions on how to act in the missions.

We Capuchins have been great missionaries. Our ideal has always been to be missionaries and saints.

During the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries we collaborated generously with Propaganda Fidei. In fact, thousands of friars left their homeland and helped to implant the church in many parts of the Americas, Africa and Asia.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Order decided that each province should take on a mission, and this generated a new missionary vigor in the Capuchins of Europe and North America, where we already had provinces.

Today, God is again challenging us to renew the Capuchin missionary spirit. The Order is learning to be missionary also from its new foundations: now it is mainly African, Indian, Asian, Latin American and Brazilian friars who go out for the missions.

  • To be a Capuchin is to be a missionary! There cannot be a circumscription without missionaries beyond its territory. Let us take care and value this feature of our charism. Let us teach our brothers in initial formation the value of the mission and let us dare to leave our stability to give our lives in the places where God sends us. Our sense of mission gives new vigor to our circumscriptions.

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