venerdì 9 aprile 2021

International Capuchin Fraternity in Amazon


Amazon wait for you

Pax et bonum.

For a number of years, the Capuchin Order has been present in the part of the Amazon region known as the “Triple Frontera”, where Colombia, Peru, and Brazil meet, in our houses in Leticia, Colombia and Benjamin Constant, Brazil. In recent years, a dream of establishing international Capuchin presences in this same region has been in the process of development.

Little by little the project has been taking shape, with the idea of transforming our two presences in the region in such a manner that there would be a combination of friars from the Circumscriptions where these houses are located together with friars from other Circumscriptions, who would want to live intensely our charism of fraternal life, minority and prayer, in a particularly missionary reality, living that sense of mission according to our Capuchin values. 

The dream also is to be able to create, at both locations, a place for missionary formation for all of our brothers in the Postnovitiate stage of formation in the Americas, guided by friars who are capable of giving a strong theoretical and practical base regarding what it means to be missionary and Capuchin. Thus, we need to find from among our brothers those who would want to live this experience. And we know that God is going to touch the hearts of some friars so that they may say “yes” to this possibility. 

If you would like to know more about this project, please contact Br. Mariosvaldo Florentino, Mission Secretary at the General Curia, at, so that he may provide you with further information and in order to initiate a fraternal dialogue. You can also find out more or contact Br. Mariosvaldo at

Pax et bonum.

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